watch out for this trap –

take a read and pay attention to how this hits the narrative about teachers and what we do – take a read here

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pay attention –

there is a systematic attack on public schooling – your attention and voting matters –

take a read here – (I hope you can access it without a subscription)

just a reminder you can contribute online to this political action group that is looking out for public ed in Ohio –

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think about retirement NOW

hey all – just a reminder about retirement stuff – STRS – pensions – 403B – 457 – Roth IRA etc – set yourself up now – I am sure you all the saw the email from Matt Brown about the new way the district is handling retirement/ severance and all the rest – NHEA advocated for this in the contract of about 6 years ago after feedback from members to make it easier for you to get paid out upon retirement…Matt has picked this up and has done something proactive with this part of the contract = check out the email he sent about the Plan Connect portal that has partnered with the district for this –

NHEA has brought in financial advisors in the past and Matt sent around the list of those approved reps – if you find his email it is in there – there is a seminar/class being offered by Equitable coming up – follow this link to the flyer – SKM_80823011716490– there is also some contact information in there for this rep for those that might not have an advisor as of yet.

this is just NHEA reminding to not count on your pension to fully fund your retirement –

NEW staff – make sure you opt for the “defined benefit” plan for your retirement – (in NHEA’s opinion) – this is the traditional pension system – these days you have a 5 year window to make sure this is squared away and change your mind – check in on it –

all this is on our minds because the Equitable rep was in the HS today and Nate talked with him for about 30 minutes –



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Charter school have always been about Politics

read this excellent piece written by Steven Dyer and Maureen Reedy



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recent news – from OEA legislative watch

Hello everyone, (this is a C and P from mailer we received)

It is imperative that our members are aware of HJR 6, a legislative proposal by extremist Ohio legislators which will make it more difficult for voters to make changes to the Ohio Constitution. Currently voters can place proposed constitutional amendments on the ballot after a rigorous process which is then approved by 50% plus 1 vote from voters. Secretary of State Frank LaRose and his extremist friends are proposing to raise the threshold of passage for voter initiated constitutional amendments to 60%, while allowing legislator proposed constitutional amendments to continue to enjoy the 50% plus 1 vote threshold for passage. This takes power away from all of us. Remember Senate Bill 5? Although this is not exactly the same thing, it is similar and this kind of change would make it more difficult for voters to express their will through the voting process.

This proposal would make it much harder to codify Fair School Funding in the Ohio Constitution or pass other pro-public education constitutional reforms. We as educators, voters and communities need the ability to make positive changes to the constitution.

OEA political staff is emailing out an Action Alert to all OEA members. We need everyone’s help! Please take a minute, use the form provided in the Action Alert email, and send a letter to your legislator. Feel free to personalize it with your own objections. Also, it never hurts to share the Action Alert with friends and family as this extremist proposal takes power away from us all!

Thank you for your support in helping to maintain our collective voice!

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an example of what unions/associations do for you

this is an example of a union contract for education in South Caroline –

be thankful you work here –

just an example of what pro union states do for us –

south carolina contract example

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Bond fact sheet…

…”I like big bonds and I do not lie”…:-)

here is a bond fact sheet…all you need to know –

I tried to load this up as a visual PDF – but for some reason it did not work –


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Saturday volunteer opportunity

this message is from the Friends of Nordonia Group…

On Saturday, we will meet at Lee Eaton to hang door hangers on addresses of people who have requested absentee ballots from 10 am to 2 pm.  You can also pick up packets at this event and distribute them on your own over the weekend. This will be the last weekend we will be able to reach out to this group.  Their ballots will be sent out the following Wednesday.  There is no contact required with voters on this one.  Grab a friend, get some exercise and help with the passage of Issue 5—Better Schools for a Better Future.  Please respond and let us know if you can make it.
We are supposed to have beautiful weather.  I even heard donuts may be there.
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please help support the bond issue

…and here are a couple simple ways you can do this –

upcoming opportunities from the Friends of Nordonia Folks –

Save the date of Saturday October 8, 2022 from 10am – 2pm.  Location TBA
We need people to hang door hangers on registered voters who are voting absentee. This is great opportunity to put in about 2 hours of work and get some exercise in the process.  This is also an opportunity for high school aged kids to get ion some volunteer time.
We will be meeting at the Nordonia Hills library Tuesday October 11 from 6pm – 8pm.  Please respond to let us know if you can make it.
If you can help with any of this please contact Matt Ford – his email –
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the longer you use vouchers –

THE WORSE YOU DO – good news for public ed – !! VOTE PRO PUBLIC EDUCATION!!

Go vote. The power is in your hands!

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