Ohio’s remarkable Covid recovery –

not as bad as the naysayers predicted – 10th period – !!

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more privatization efforts

Another School Privatization Gimmick in the State Budget: Tuition Tax Credit
Ohio was a leader in tax support for private schools prior to the advent of the voucher and charter school schemes. Now Ohio is among the top 10 states in the nation in support of vouchers, charters, and a variety of other privatization options. One option, the tuition tax credit scheme, had its humble debut in the state budget bill, HB110—only a tax credit of $750. It will be much more robust in the next state budget. The Buckeye Institute is pushing for a tax credit of $2500.
What is a tuition tax credit? A person or business is authorized by law to give “x” amount of money to an agency that subsidizes student tuition to a private school. That same amount of money then will be deducted from the donor’s income tax obligation.
A clever invention by privatization zealots.
From our friends at Ohio E and A
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more good news…ish

From our friends at Ohio E and A…

54th Annual PDK Poll: Local Public School Ratings Rise Even As Teaching Profession Loses Ground
In spite of the escalated attacks on public schools by the education privatizers, Americans’ ratings of public schools reached a new high dating back 48 years. 54% of all adults, according to the poll gave an A or B grade to the public schools in their community, the highest since 1974. It appears that the privatizers’ attempt to erode public confidence in public education has not been effective.
However, only 37% of respondents in the poll would want a child of theirs to become a teacher. This compares with 46% in 2018 and a high of 75% in 1975. SAD that young folks are discouraged to enter the teaching profession.
just working to keep you all up to date…
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some good news for public ed

check out another article from Stephen Dyer – about how Akron schools made up 70% of the covid loss in one year – looks like we know what we are doing after all. I know there have been many links to this author – but he is and has been writing about education in Ohio for a long time- take a read, it really is a short fast read


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community spirit –

Dear Staff –
I know this might be a bit of an ask, and surely short notice, but our schools will be having an open house for the entire community this Saturday 9/10. I am sure all would appreciate it if we had a small presence in the buildings while this is happening. So, if you have a little planning to do or grading or even a little classroom maintenance, how about considering dropping in this Saturday from 9:00 am til 1:00 – drop in for any or all of the time if your schedule permits
Thanks for your consideration.
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Bond organizing announcement

as we mentioned at our opening day meeting – NHEA is helping support the bond issue – I hope all realize the importance of this for our students and staff – wouldn’t air-conditioned modern buildings for ALL be a great thing…

here is an announcement from the bond folks –

As many of you might know, the Nordonia Board of Education voted to put a bond issue on the ballot on November 8, 2022, for new schools.  Two groups who support the schools, Positively Nordonia and Friends of Nordonia will be hosting a kickoff meeting on Tuesday, September 13, at 7:00 P.M. The meeting will take place at Nordonia High School.  The purpose of the meeting is simple-we are looking for volunteers to help with certain tasks during the bond campaign.  We hope you can make it to assist as this is an important bond issue for kids, staff, and the community.


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the vouchers thicken…

this in from William Phillips – another Ohio Watchdog – and another from Stephen Dyer

Leader of the Center for Christian Virtue (CCV): “On Every Corner That You See a Church, We Want to See a School as Well.”
“On August 12, the Statehouse News Bureau reported on an initiative of CCV, the goal of which is, via universal vouchers, to put a school in every church. That should sound an alarm to every citizen.
CCV is one of the dominant forces behind the universal voucher bill. However, a universal voucher bill will attract a plethora of schools initiated by a great variety of sects:  religious, irreligious, satanic, secular, and otherwise. Hate groups, paramilitary units, skinheads, racists, KKK, neo-Nazi groups, and flat-earth believers, etc. will find ways to form private schools to collect tax funds to advance their various ideologies.
CCV should be careful for what it wishes.
Meanwhile, supporters of authentic public schools should re-double efforts to fend off the privatizers.”
NHEA here – Get out and vote –
and we have a 2 fer today – another entry from Stephen Dyer 
it is LAW in Ohio to fund our school correctly – !!
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teacher pay gaps getting worse –

take a read of this article in Education Week

here is a quote – “The “teacher pay penalty” is getting worse. Compared to their college-educated peers in other professions…” the Census report recently said the same thing

How you vote matters – elect those that support public education here in Ohio and beyond – and don’t fall for those mailers that are trying to get you to leave your Unions = more on the wage gap and the impact in Ohio – HERE

you can donate to the OEA fund via this site – (it will not let me link the donate page it seems because it is a secure portal – but click DONATE in the upper right – I am giving monthly and you can set up how you like!!)

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REALLY important read –

public education – your livelihood is under attack – read here – 

part 2 of this read and how Fordham and Charter schools are ruining public ed in Ohio – vote for candidates that will work to challenge and change the erosion of your livelihood –

and another installment

Vouchers Dirty secret – there are not even enough seats for voucher students…

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10 reasons to belong…

take a look – there are more reasons than this…get involved and support!!

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