levies are NOT political – they are a fact.

hey all – I feel like there is this narrative forming that is saying we as educators can not talk about levies…this is not true – levies and them being on the ballot is a  FACT here in Ohio…but for some reason school levies are being deemed “political” as a way to bully those of us impacted the most into being quiet or fearful of saying the “wrong” thing…no one out there talks about police and fire levies in this way – no one says oh, we can’t talk about the library or park levy…this is like saying you can’t talk about having elections for president every 4 years because its “too political” – that’s stupid. We and our students are THEE most impacted so we should not be silenced – telling folks how to vote is different…our government classes actively register students to vote…is that too political?, NO, its part of a notion of civic responsibility.

Here is a great flyer about how you can get involved – take a look and reach out – yes, on your own time and using a personal email…or the pdf is below – print and use with friends and family.


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