…and this just in…

more evidence relating to the post prior to this…

EdChoice voucher funding is out of control, but Speaker of the House says the Cupp/Patterson Fair School Funding Plan is unsustainable.

“Some public common school advocates and personnel have been sounding the alarm that this uniquely American system is under serious attack; other advocates and public school personnel are not convinced. How much more evidence is needed? The movement to privatize the system is no longer muted.

In Ohio, even after achieving his goal of a voucher for every student, the Speaker of the House wants more—much more. He wants to increase the demand for vouchers by tax-funded facilities for private schools, tuition tax credits, and Education Savings Accounts (ESA’s). The strategy to accomplish complete privatization is to starve the public system of funding.

The Cupp/Patterson Fair School Funding proposal was adopted by the legislature but not fully funded. Even so, the Speaker is now saying that the plan is unsustainable. However, everything in the realm of school privatization has been fully funded.

Over on the Senate side, the Chair of the Senate Education Committee has proposed legislation to close public schools that have the lowest test scores (of course there will always be public schools that have the lowest test scores).”

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