Nordonia Together





4/30 = update –

Hey members – 

There is a new levy action group in town ready and able to get to work at passing levies in our community. Please welcome Nordonia Together as our local partnership. This group will carry on the work of Friends of Nordonia with a renewed sense of vigor. If you were contributing to FON please consider restarting your donations to this new group. Please be assured if you are one of our staff/members that have been contributing over the years your money has not gone to waste. In a generous act of collaboration FON has transferred all their holdings to this new group. This new group will include teacher voice and collaboration when making decisions about how our money is spent. Your involvement via your time or money is an integral part of getting levies passed in this community, so please get involved in some way over the coming weeks and months. A plan of advocacy and action is being put in place between NHEA, the district, OEA and Nordonia Together to ensure passage of this important levy. The same classroom is both a teaching AND learning environment, without levies they both will deteriorate over time. Please get involved. 

If you have been involved and have not yet stopped your donations to FON please do so, and please consider just shifting your involvement to NT. NHEA is keeping an eye out for you in terms of how your money is being spent, rest assured we will continue to do so. In order to make this happen just reach out to Beckie in payroll or email the fiscal help desk and let them know how to proceed.

Thanks for your time and attention and if you have any questions about all this please reach out.

4/29 – This new community group is up and running and planning for the fall election cycle – many stakeholders have already met and are putting together a well though out action and advocacy plan – so stay tuned –

First post RE NT = hey all – want to announce that NHEA will partner with a new community group to build better teacher and learning environments for all students and staff here at Nordonia City Schools – stay tuned for updates and links about how to join in on our efforts to build a stronger more united school community. Please check out their website HERE. 

NHEA is completely behind this community group and has worked hand n hand to help create this new level of community involvement